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Date Range Styles

Interval Date Style (Date Range) Xcode 13+

Shows the earliest and last dates in a Range, similar options to the Date and Time single date format style.

For a given Range<Date>, this format will output the earliest and last days.

Symbol Description
.day() The numerical day relative to the month
.hour() The hour
.minute() The minute
.month() The month of the year
.second() The second
.timeZone The time zone
.weekday() The named day of the week
.year() The year
let range = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0)..<Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 2837)

range.formatted(.interval) // "12/31/69, 5:00 PM – 12/31/00, 5:47 PM"

range.formatted(.interval.day()) // "12/31/1969 – 12/31/2000"
range.formatted(.interval.hour()) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
range.formatted(.interval.hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .abbreviated))) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
range.formatted(.interval.hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .narrow))) // "12/31/1969, 5 p – 12/31/2000, 5 p"
range.formatted(.interval.hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .omitted))) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
range.formatted(.interval.hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .wide))) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
range.formatted(.interval.minute()) // "12/31/1969, 0 – 12/31/2000, 47"
range.formatted(.interval.month(.defaultDigits)) // "12/1969 – 12/2000"
range.formatted(.interval.month(.twoDigits)) // "12/1969 – 12/2000"
range.formatted(.interval.month(.wide)) // "December 1969 – December 2000"
range.formatted(.interval.month(.narrow)) // "D 1969 – D 2000"
range.formatted(.interval.month(.abbreviated)) // "Dec 1969 – Dec 2000"
range.formatted(.interval.second()) // "12/31/1969, 0 – 12/31/2000, 17"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone()) // "12/31/1969, MST – 12/31/2000, MT"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.exemplarLocation)) // "12/31/1969, Edmonton – 12/31/2000, Edmonton"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.genericLocation)) // "12/31/1969, Edmonton Time – 12/31/2000, Edmonton Time"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.genericName(.long))) // "12/31/1969, Mountain Standard Time – 12/31/2000, Mountain Time"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.genericName(.short))) // "12/31/1969, MST – 12/31/2000, MT"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.identifier(.short))) // "12/31/1969, caedm – 12/31/2000, caedm"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.identifier(.long))) // "12/31/1969, America/Edmonton – 12/31/2000, America/Edmonton"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.iso8601(.short))) // "12/31/1969, -0700 – 12/31/2000, -0700"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.iso8601(.long))) // "12/31/1969, -07:00 – 12/31/2000, -07:00"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.localizedGMT(.short))) // "GMT-7"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.localizedGMT(.long))) // "12/31/1969, GMT-07:00 – 12/31/2000, GMT-07:00"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.specificName(.long))) // "12/31/1969, Mountain Standard Time – 12/31/2000, Mountain Standard Time"
range.formatted(.interval.timeZone(.specificName(.short))) // "12/31/1969, MST – 12/31/2000, MST"
range.formatted(.interval.year()) //"1969 – 2000"

Date.IntervalFormatStyle().day().format(range) // "12/31/1969 – 12/31/2000"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().hour().format(range) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .abbreviated)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .narrow)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, 5 p – 12/31/2000, 5 p"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .omitted)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().hour(.conversationalDefaultDigits(amPM: .wide)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, 5 PM – 12/31/2000, 5 PM"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().minute().format(range) // "12/31/1969, 0 – 12/31/2000, 47"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().month(.defaultDigits).format(range) // "12/1969 – 12/2000"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().month(.twoDigits).format(range) // "12/1969 – 12/2000"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().month(.wide).format(range) // "December 1969 – December 2000"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().month(.narrow).format(range) // "D 1969 – D 2000"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().month(.abbreviated).format(range) // "Dec 1969 – Dec 2000"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().second().format(range) // "12/31/1969, 0 – 12/31/2000, 17"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone().format(range) // "12/31/1969, MST – 12/31/2000, MT"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.exemplarLocation).format(range) // "12/31/1969, Edmonton – 12/31/2000, Edmonton"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.genericLocation).format(range) // "12/31/1969, Edmonton Time – 12/31/2000, Edmonton Time"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.genericName(.long)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, Mountain Standard Time – 12/31/2000, Mountain Time"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.genericName(.short)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, MST – 12/31/2000, MT"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.identifier(.short)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, caedm – 12/31/2000, caedm"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.identifier(.long)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, America/Edmonton – 12/31/2000, America/Edmonton"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.iso8601(.short)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, -0700 – 12/31/2000, -0700"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.iso8601(.long)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, -07:00 – 12/31/2000, -07:00"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.localizedGMT(.short)).format(range) // "GMT-7"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.localizedGMT(.long)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, GMT-07:00 – 12/31/2000, GMT-07:00"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.specificName(.long)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, Mountain Standard Time – 12/31/2000, Mountain Standard Time"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().timeZone(.specificName(.short)).format(range) // "12/31/1969, MST – 12/31/2000, MST"
Date.IntervalFormatStyle().year().format(range) //"1969 – 2000"

Setting the locale

You can customize the locale of the output by appending the localized() method onto the style.

let franceLocale = Locale(identifier: "fr_FR")
range.formatted(.interval.locale(franceLocale)) // "31/12/1969 à 17:00 – 31/12/2000 à 17:47"

Initialization Options

DateStyle Description
.omitted Excludes the date part.
.numeric Shows date components in their numeric form. For example, “10/21/2015”.
.abbreviated Shows date components in their abbreviated form if possible. For example, “Oct 21, 2015”.
.long Shows date components in their long form if possible. For example, “October 21, 2015”.
.complete Shows the complete day. For example, “Wednesday, October 21, 2015”.
TimeStyle Description
.omitted Excludes the time part.
.shortened For example, 04:29 PM, 16:29.
.standard For example, 4:29:24 PM, 16:29:24.
.complete For example, 4:29:24 PM PDT, 16:29:24 GMT.
struct NarrowIntervalStyle: FormatStyle {
    static let interval = Date.IntervalFormatStyle(
        date: .abbreviated,
        time: .shortened,
        locale: Locale(identifier: "en_US"),
        calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian),
        timeZone: TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!

    func format(_ value: Range<Date>) -> String {

extension FormatStyle where Self == NarrowIntervalStyle {
    static var narrowInterval: NarrowIntervalStyle { .init() }


Components Date Style (Date Range) Xcode 13+

Shows the distance between the earliest and latest dates in a range, similar to the Relative Date style for single dates.

For a given Range<Date>, you can display the distance between the earliest and latest dates using specific units.

For all given fields, the system will only display the unit if it’s not a 0 value. Including the field will only specify that the unit might be used.

Available fields

  • day
  • hour
  • minute
  • month
  • second
  • week
  • year

Available Styles

Style Option Description
wide Shows the fields in their full spelling.
For example, “2 hour, 10 minutes”, “2小時10分鐘”
abbreviated Shows the fields in the abbreviation.
For example, “2 hr, 10 min”, “2小時10分鐘”
condensedAbbreviated Uses the abbreviated form but condensed if possible.
For example, “2hr 10min”, “2小時10分鐘”
narrow Shows the fields in the shortest form possible.
For example, “2h 10m”, “2時10分”
spellOut Values are spelled out and fields are displayed in their full name.
For example, “two hours, ten minutes”, “2小時10分鐘”
let testRange = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0) ..< Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0)

testRange.formatted(.components(style: .abbreviated, fields: [.day]))           // "11,323 days"
testRange.formatted(.components(style: .narrow, fields: [.day]))                // "11,323days"
testRange.formatted(.components(style: .wide, fields: [.day]))                  // "11,323 days"
testRange.formatted(.components(style: .spellOut, fields: [.day]))              // "eleven thousand three hundred twenty-three days"
testRange.formatted(.components(style: .condensedAbbreviated, fields: [.day]))  // "11,323d"
testRange.formatted(.components(style: .abbreviated, fields: [.year])
    .calendar(Calendar(identifier: .coptic))) // "31 yrs"

testRange.formatted(.components(style: .condensedAbbreviated, fields: [.day, .month, .year, .hour, .second, .week])) // "31y"

let appleReferenceDay = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0)
let twosday = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian).date(from: twosdayDateComponents)!
let secondRange = appleReferenceDay .. <twosday

// 21 yrs, 1 mth, 3 wks, 9 hr, 1,342 sec
secondRange.formatted(.components(style: .abbreviated, fields: [.day, .month, .year, .hour, .second, .week]))

// 21yrs 1mth 3wks 9hr 1,342sec
secondRange.formatted(.components(style: .narrow, fields: [.day, .month, .year, .hour, .second, .week]))

// 21 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 9 hours, 1,342 seconds
secondRange.formatted(.components(style: .wide, fields: [.day, .month, .year, .hour, .second, .week]))

// twenty-one years, one month, three weeks, nine hours, one thousand three hundred forty-two seconds
secondRange.formatted(.components(style: .spellOut, fields: [.day, .month, .year, .hour, .second, .week]))

// 21y 1mo 3w 9h 1,342s
secondRange.formatted(.components(style: .condensedAbbreviated, fields: [.day, .month, .year, .hour, .second, .week]))


You can set the locale by appending the locale() method onto the end of the format style.

let franceLocale = Locale(identifier: "fr_FR")
// vingt-et-un ans, un mois, trois semaines, neuf heures et mille trois cent quarante-deux secondes
secondRange.formatted(.components(style: .spellOut, fields: [.day, .month, .year, .hour, .second, .week]).locale(franceLocale))

Fully Customizing & Setting Calendar

You can set the calendar by using the Date.ComponentFormatStyle initializer and using the resulting format style.

let componentsFormat = Date.ComponentsFormatStyle(
    style: .wide,
    locale: Locale(identifier: "fr_FR"),
    calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian),
    fields: [

componentsFormat.format(secondRange)    // "21 ans, 1 mois, 3 semaines, 9 heures et 1 342 secondes"
secondRange.formatted(componentsFormat) // "21 ans, 1 mois, 3 semaines, 9 heures et 1 342 secondes"

struct InFrench: FormatStyle {
    typealias FormatInput = Range<Date>
    typealias FormatOutput = String

    static let componentsFormat = Date.ComponentsFormatStyle(
        style: .wide,
        locale: Locale(identifier: "fr_FR"),
        calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian),
        fields: [

    func format(_ value: Range<Date>) -> String {

extension FormatStyle where Self == InFrench {
    static var inFrench: InFrench { .init() }

secondRange.formatted(.inFrench) // "21 ans, 1 mois, 3 semaines, 9 heures et 1 342 secondes"